Yhteistyössä Hietsun paviljongin ja kapellimestari James Kahanen kanssa Helsingin kamariorkesterin akatemia ryhmä esittää uuden kulttuurin karanteeni konserttisarjansa suorana striiminä Hietsusta.
Ensimmäisessä konsertissa kuullaan päättäväisen optimistisia ja valoisia kappaleita 1920-luvun englannista. Niiden tarkoituksena oli tuoda uutta toivoa ja viattomuutta ensimmäisen maailmansodan kauhujen jälkeen.
In collaboration with the Hietsun Paviljonki and conductor James S. K., the Helsinki Chamber Orchestra Academy Group is happy to introduce its new Lockdown of the culture concert series.
The first program is centered around British music of the 1920s, with resolutely optimistic and light pieces which served to bring back hope and innocence after a deadly decade.
Ohjelmassa (Programme)
G. Holst: St-Paul's Suite
B. Britten: Simple Symphony
Esiintyjät (Performers)
James S. K. (conductor)
Andrew Ng Wen Hao ( 1st violin)
Vadim Grumeza ( 1st violin)
Annika Sinisalo ( 1st violin)
Ángeles Salas ( 1st violin)
Gloria Ilves (2nd violin)
Yonatan Quemado (2nd violin)
Aino Szalai (2nd violin)
Sirkku Helin (2nd violin)
Julie Svačinová (Viola)
Margarethe Breit (Viola)
Anthony Hall (Viola)
Frida Skaftun (Cello)
Hsin-Di Shh (Cello)
Fransien Paananen (Cello)
Juha Krudup (Double bass)
Streaming: Jaakko Tiikasalo
“Arts and especially music have always had a transformative impact on societies as a part of the evolution of earthly civilizations. Currently, with a covid crisis wreaking havoc all over the world, it is most unfortunate that live music is one of the first fields to be sacrificed on the altar of security. For what would be a society without music, where the dominating sounds would be only the roaring noise of cities? History has often shown us that the shared voice of the individuals that speak through arts can be silenced only by depriving us our true humanity. But since musicians are the emissaries of the arts and it is always and in every situation crucial to continue to make and perform music, the Helsinki Chamber Orchestra is proud to present a project outside its main season programme.
The Lockdown culture project consists of two short string concerts, where young musicians have gathered together to fulfil their duty to keep the voice of humanity speaking through the music of its past generations.”
Organized by Töölön kaupunginosat - Töölö ry. & Hietsun paviljonki in collaboration with James K & Helsinki Chamber Orchestra.